We’re Better Together
The eternal life that Jesus brings doesn’t just kick in when we die. It is designed to start right now!
Life Groups are small groups of community through which we pursue real life by taking time to share life. There is no substitute for living a shared life. Just think about the benefits. When we share our joys, they double. And when we share our burdens, they are cut in half.
Jesus’ first churches followed the pattern of meeting in both large groups and small groups (ACTS 2.46). At Church of the King, we meet together weekly as a large group to experience God through worship and teaching. But following Jesus also requires the encouragement, fellowship, and accountability that happens best within the context of a small group. And that’s where Life Groups come in. You weren’t meant to go through life alone. Through Life Groups that happen during Wednesday Nights Alive, you are given the opportunity to meet with others and share life, strengthen in your faith, and encourage each other to grow in the Lord.
Current Class
The Book of Galatians
In this 6-part series, BEGINNING MARCH 12TH, we will watch a video teaching by Kyle Idleman as he underscores the freedom of a life with Christ by getting back to the basics. The New Testament makes it clear how easily we can be tempted to turn toward fraudulent gospels, especially those that teach we can earn God’s love through our works. In this Book of the Bible series, we will dive into the book of Galatians and see that true freedom is found in surrender. After watching the video teaching, we will move to small group Bible study and discussion.
We hope you’ll join us during Wednesday Nights Alive, from 6:30 to 8:00 PM each Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of each month, which is Prayer Ignite).